统计之都 @ 北京会议中心
这颗氢弹的当量相当于广岛原子弹的 1000 倍。 由于核辐射扩散,导致朗格拉普环礁的主岛受到核辐射1。
横坐标 | 纵坐标 | 粒子数目 | 统计时间 |
-6050 | -3270 | 75 | 300 |
-6050 | -3165 | 371 | 300 |
-5925 | -3320 | 1931 | 300 |
-5925 | -3165 | 4357 | 300 |
-5800 | -3350 | 2114 | 300 |
-5800 | -3165 | 2318 | 300 |
横坐标 | 纵坐标 |
-5509.236 | -3577.438 |
-5544.821 | -3582.250 |
-5561.604 | -3576.926 |
-5580.780 | -3574.535 |
-5599.687 | -3564.288 |
-5605.922 | -3560.910 |
\begin{aligned} \log(\lambda_i) &= \beta \\ y_i & \sim \mathrm{Poisson}(t_i\lambda_i) \end{aligned}
待估参数 \beta 。
fit_rongelap_poisson <- glm(counts ~ 1,
family = poisson(link = "log"),
offset = log(time), data = rongelap
glm(formula = counts ~ 1, family = poisson(link = "log"), data = rongelap,
offset = log(time))
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 2.013954 0.001454 1385 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 61567 on 156 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 61567 on 156 degrees of freedom
AIC: 63089
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
广义线性模型并没有考虑距离相关性,它认为各个观测点的数据是相互独立的。因此,在广义线性模型的基础上添加位置相关的随机效应,用以刻画未能直接观测到的潜在影响。根据 {}^{137}\mathrm{Cs} 放出伽马射线,在 n=157 个采样点,分别以时间间隔 t_i 测量辐射量 y(x_i),建立泊松型空间广义线性混合效应模型(Diggle, Tawn, 和 Moyeed 1998)。
\begin{aligned} \log\{\lambda(x_i)\} & = \beta + S(x_{i})\\ y(x_{i}) &\sim \mathrm{Poisson}\big(t_i\lambda(x_i)\big) \end{aligned} \tag{1}
其中,\beta 表示截距,相当于平均水平,\lambda(x_i) 表示位置 x_i 处的辐射强度,S(x_{i}) 表示位置 x_i 处的空间效应,S(x),x \in \mathcal{D} \subset{\mathbb{R}^2} 是二维平稳空间高斯过程 \mathcal{S} 的具体实现。 \mathcal{D} 表示研究区域,可以理解为朗格拉普岛,它是二维实平面 \mathbb{R}^2 的子集。
随机过程 S(x) 的自协方差函数常用的有指数型、幂二次指数型(高斯型)和梅隆型,形式如下:
\begin{aligned} \mathsf{Cov}\{S(x_i), S(x_j)\} &= \sigma^2 \exp\big( -\frac{\|x_i -x_j\|_{2}}{\phi} \big) \\ \mathsf{Cov}\{ S(x_i), S(x_j) \} &= \sigma^2 \exp\big( -\frac{\|x_i -x_j\|_{2}^{2}}{2\phi^2} \big) \\ \mathsf{Cov}\{ S(x_i), S(x_j) \} &= \sigma^2 \frac{2^{1 - \nu}}{\Gamma(\nu)} \left(\sqrt{2\nu}\frac{\|x_i -x_j\|_{2}}{\phi}\right)^{\nu} K_{\nu}\left(\sqrt{2\nu}\frac{\|x_i -x_j\|_{2}}{\phi}\right) \\ K_{\nu}(x) &= \int_{0}^{\infty}\exp(-x \cosh t) \cosh (\nu t) \mathrm{dt} \end{aligned}
待估参数:代表方差的 \sigma^2 和代表范围的 \phi 。当 \nu = 1/2 时,梅隆型退化为指数型。
# 对数高斯分布作为参考
fit_rongelap_gaussian <- fitme(
log(counts / time) ~ 1 + Matern(1 | cX + cY),
data = rongelap, fixed = list(nu = 0.5), method = "REML"
# 泊松分布
fit_rongelap_poisson <- fitme(
formula = counts ~ 1 + Matern(1 | cX + cY) + offset(log(time)),
family = poisson(link = "log"), data = rongelap,
fixed = list(nu = 0.5), method = "REML"
formula: counts ~ 1 + Matern(1 | cX + cY) + offset(log(time))
Estimation of corrPars and lambda by REML (p_bv approximation of restricted logL).
Estimation of fixed effects by ML (p_v approximation of logL).
Estimation of lambda by 'outer' REML, maximizing restricted logL.
family: poisson( link = log )
------------ Fixed effects (beta) ------------
Estimate Cond. SE t-value
(Intercept) 1.829 0.08797 20.78
--------------- Random effects ---------------
Family: gaussian( link = identity )
--- Correlation parameters:
1.nu 1.rho
0.500000000 0.009211777
--- Variance parameters ('lambda'):
lambda = var(u) for u ~ Gaussian;
cX + cY : 0.3069
# of obs: 157; # of groups: cX + cY, 157
------------- Likelihood values -------------
logL (p_v(h)): -1318.010
Re.logL (p_b,v(h)): -1319.522
采用 spaMM 包(Rousset 和 Ferdy 2014) 拟合模型。输出结果中,固定效应中的 (Intercept)
对应模型参数 \beta = 1.829 ,随机效应中的方差参数 lambda
对应模型参数 \sigma^2 = 0.3069 ,随机效应中相关参数 1.rho
的倒数对应模型范围参数 \phi = 1/0.00921 = 108.58 。
rongelap_sf <- st_as_sf(rongelap, coords = c("cX", "cY"), dim = "XY")
rongelap_coastline_sf <- st_as_sf(rongelap_coastline, coords = c("cX", "cY"), dim = "XY")
# 点转线
rongelap_coastline_sfp <- st_cast(st_combine(st_geometry(rongelap_coastline_sf)), "POLYGON")
# 缓冲区
rongelap_coastline_buffer <- st_buffer(rongelap_coastline_sfp, dist = 50)
# 矩形网格
rongelap_coastline_grid <- st_make_grid(rongelap_coastline_buffer, n = c(150, 75))
采用 sf 包(Pebesma 2018)和 stars 包(Pebesma 和 Bivand 2023)操作空间数据。
# 将 sfc 类型转化为 sf 类型,准备取交集
rongelap_coastline_grid <- st_as_sf(rongelap_coastline_grid)
rongelap_coastline_buffer <- st_as_sf(rongelap_coastline_buffer)
# 边界约束内的网格
rongelap_grid <- rongelap_coastline_grid[rongelap_coastline_buffer, op = st_intersects]
# 计算网格中心点坐标
rongelap_grid_centroid <- st_centroid(rongelap_grid)
# sf 类型转 data.frame 类型
rongelap_grid_df <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(rongelap_grid_centroid))
colnames(rongelap_grid_df) <- c("cX", "cY")
rongelap_grid_df$time <- 1
# 对数高斯分布
# 预测
rongelap_grid_pred <- predict(fit_rongelap_gaussian,
newdata = rongelap_grid_df, type = "response"
rongelap_grid_df$pred_sk <- exp(as.vector(rongelap_grid_pred))
# 线性预测的方差
rongelap_grid_var <- get_predVar(fit_rongelap_gaussian,
newdata = rongelap_grid_df, variances = list(predVar = TRUE), which = "predVar"
rongelap_grid_df$var_sk <- as.vector(rongelap_grid_var)
# 泊松分布
# 预测
rongelap_grid_pred <- predict(fit_rongelap_poisson,
newdata = rongelap_grid_df, type = "response"
rongelap_grid_df$pred_sp <- as.vector(rongelap_grid_pred)
# 线性预测的方差
rongelap_grid_var <- get_predVar(fit_rongelap_poisson,
newdata = rongelap_grid_df, variances = list(predVar = TRUE), which = "predVar"
rongelap_grid_df$var_sp <- as.vector(rongelap_grid_var)